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Discovering Risks for Successful Remediation


Vulnerability management comprises of identification, evaluation, and investigation of security risks in the system. Since typically, changes are constantly made to organizational networks and systems, the vulnerability management process needs to be relentless. Our vulnerability management services identify and remediate vulnerabilities in all infrastructure components in the production environment and at each stage of application development. Our security professionals act as adversaries to proactively detect and address any vulnerabilities through vulnerability governance and red team activities. Our dedicated team offers robust services to reduce recurrence of cyber incidents and orchestrates vulnerability management programs to cater to your specific requirements.


Proactive identification and mitigation of security weaknesses to increase business resilience
Threat modelling and threat intelligence to reduce the frequency of cyber incidents
Red team activities for timely identification of threats and vulnerabilities
Extensive collaboration with VAPT product vendors

Latest at GS Lab | GAVS


Evaluating source code to discover security risks that could make your organization a target
Vulnerability Assessment
Structured and proactive review of security flaws and automated generation of assessment reports
Assessment coverage per OWASP Top 10 and SANS recommendations, automated scan, false positive elimination, impact and risk analysis, reporting and follow up
Penetration Testing
Simulated attacks on systems to evaluate cybersecurity posture
Infrastructure Vulnerability Scan
Automated detection and analysis of potential security vulnerabilities in infrastructure
Application Security
Developing and testing security features within applications to prevent unauthorized access and modifications
Mobile and Container Security
Leveraging security tools and policies to safeguard mobile devices and containerized applications
Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM)
Enabling organizations to safely capture and manage customer data and control customer access to systems and applications

Success Stories

Powering Your Products and Solutions With A Stronghold on Security